Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Updates from Feb. 15 meeting

We had a meeting this past Monday where we did paired mock interviews designed by Valentina. Thank you Valentina!

Here are the updates we discussed at the meeting.

New schedule:
-Meetings will be every other Monday for the rest of the semester.
-If you are on a committee, committee updates will be discussed directly after Monday meetings. This eliminates the need to schedule other meetings.

Schedule for the rest of the semester:
March 1
March 15
March 29
April 12

We have confirmed HR professional speakers for two of the four meetings. With the schedule planned out, we will be doing marketing for meeting attendees.

-As part of being a student org at UF, we are required to have elections for the following positions for 2010-2011:
-President, 2 Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer
-If you hold another position (like fundraising or marketing) and want to keep it next year, just email us.
-If you are interested in one of the elected positions, email us.
-Elections will be held at the March 1 meeting.

NCF SHRM meeting:
Thursday, April 8 at 3:30 p.m. Tell us if you are interested in going.

National Membership:
-Still available for $35.
-Benefits include online networking database, HR and email publications, and scholarships.
-National membership is required for the organization's executive position holders and a minimum of 8 people in the organization to remain registered with nationals.
-To avoid making specific people foot the bill for the entire organization, we will be holding a fundraiser soon to raise the money for national membership. Ashlei, Kristen and I are meeting to finalize a date for one of the fundraisers that Samantha has found.